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What would you like to suggest for live in London or Singapore? Which is Better?

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I have several friends from the UK, and have never lived in Singapore, so I would choose Singapore as they suggested.

It is being assumed that this will only be for a few years or a decade, and it was relatively easy to get into which is not the case.

 Singapore has the following advantages

Low Taxes – Sometimes Zero Taxes on Certain Types of Foreign Income
Low cost for some things but not everything
low crime rate
Infrastructure is better as it is a newly developed city within the last generation or two.
On average, it could possibly grow more quickly than the UK as a whole, meaning government spending and taxes are more likely to stagnate. Of course, governments now need revenue globally because of Covid.
Conversely, if an expatriate has children, the UK may be considered.

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This is because international schools are expensive and local schools are often not suitable.

If someone wants to live with a lot of space, other than that, the UK is probably better, but you’ll have to leave London to find it.

If you need to find a job, the UK is probably the better fit in most industries, as it is a huge market of 67 million people against a hub economy of 5.7 million.

Singapore has many good opportunities but in a “narrow and deep” way.

This is one reason why many migrants leave when they lose their jobs.

I have seen in the UK, expats who live locally are more likely to find another position.

Freedom in the UK is probably even better, as Singapore may be economically advanced, but it is not yet developed politically.

I once spoke to a very educated Chinese person on this. He remarked that he thought, quoting, “Japan is the only developed country in Asia, and soon South Korea”.

I wrongly assumed that they did not know that Singapore’s per capita income is the higher of the two.

The point he was making is that a “developed country” is not the same as being economically developed, as the former requires many aspects like rule of law, democracy, right to protest etc.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia are also developed economically, but not politically.

It is the latter point that may deter some expatriates from staying in Singapore forever.
London is very cold and gloomy.

Singapore is very hot and sticky.

Now you should decide what to do?


Here solve many question which in you mind.

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