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In Bible what’s the best marriage advice you’ve heard?

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The Bible has the best marriage advice I have ever heard. Col 4:6 says, “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt”

When we season food with salt, it enhances the food and makes it more palatable. It doesn’t change the taste. Chicken still tastes like chicken and steak still tastes like steak but they both taste better with some salt.

The truth needs to be told in marriage. If nothing negative is ever said, then no problems will ever be solved. Marriages where spouses don’t tell each other how they really feel, fall apart from distance and resentment.

However, we can choose how we tell the truth. Our words can be rude or with grace and seasoned with salt. I can say, “You are a lazy pig who never picks up after himself.” or I can say, “When you leave your things around without picking them up, I feel like you expect me to pick up after you. That makes me feel unappreciated and unloved.”

I told the same truth in both examples but one is more palatable for my spouse. One is more likely to help solve the problem and the other is more likely to just start an argument where little is solved.

There are times when I am very angry. It is hard to be rational. That is when you will hear me saying “season with salt… season with salt…” under my breath. Even when I am angry, I need to season my words with salt so that we can solve the problem and not hurt each other in the process.

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