What are the new e-commerce rules in India? Online Product: Modi government is more strict about new e commerce rules for online market products . The Center wants to stop selling Chinese products online as Indian products. The Modi government had earlier directed e-commerce companies to specify in which country the product was made in order to sell any product online. According to government sources, the Central Consumer Protection Authority has sent 218 notices to sellers in the net market in the last one year for disobeying the order according to consumer protection e commerce rules, giving false information or selling counterfeit products. Of this, Tk 42.75 lakh has been collected from 6 companies.
According to the Ministry of Consumer Protection, 202 out of 218 notices, or almost the lion’s share, have been sent to provide incorrect information about the country in which the product was made. According to the ministry, most of the violations are in the case of electronic products. Notices have also been sent to the buyer for charging more than the maximum selling price (MRP), for not specifying the MRP and for selling products that are not manufactured according to the exact criteria.
The government has demanded that this time the ministry has decided to launch a vigorous campaign to stop the sale of counterfeit or counterfeit products. Initially, products like helmets, pressure cookers have been chosen for this. Ministry Secretary Leena Nandan said accidents and deaths were occurring in all three cases due to poor quality products.