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All you need to know about your car’s tire pressure

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Tires are the parts of the car which holds the whole weight of it so it is important for the tires to be healthy ,have correct and adequate amount of pressure and to be in shape. Incorrect tire pressure may lead to low mileage and can also negatively impact the car’s handling .
Here are a few tips you can follow which will not only help you to find your vehicle’s required tire pressure but also make you known to how fill the tires and also how to release pressure if necessary .
Finding the recommended pressure –
The recommended pressure is typically listed in the car’s owner manual and also on a sticker inside the driver’s door .
According to consumer reports, the maximum tire pressure allowed is written in the side wall of the tire but you should go for what is listed in the door sticker or in the owner’s manual as it is the ideal pressure for the vehicle you own.

How to check the pressure –

To check the pressure, you need a tire pressure gauge which is easily available at any service station or any auto parts store.

Once you have it ,you need to follow these following steps recommended by Edmunds to check the pressure
1. Remove the cap from the air valve on the tire.
2. Press the tire gauge against the open valve stem for a few seconds.
3. Read the air pressure gauge.
4. Compare it with the recommended tire pressure
5. Put the caps back on if the pressure is correct and hold off if the pressure needs adjustment.
6. Repeat for all the tires .
Edmunds recommend to check the pressure then the tires are cold as heated up tires can affect the pressure. Check them before having any ride first in the morning and if driven already, wait for at least 3 hours for the tires to cool down.

How to inflate the tires –

While performing the steps mentioned above ,if you see that the pressure is lower than allotted, you need to inflate the tires. Check these steps as to how you can –
1. Park close to the air compressor so that all the tires are reachable
2. Open the valve caps

3. Press the hose nozzle down on the valve stem and you will notice the tire inflating and feel air flowing through the hose
4. Remove the hose fitting and put on the gauge to recheck the pressure .
5. Repeat steps 3,4 until the tire pressure is exactly same as recommended.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 on all other tires
7. Put on the valve caps .

How to release air from the tires –

If you find out the pressure to be more than necessary, you need to release air to correct the pressure. You obviously do not want to have over inflated tires. Follow these 3 steps to do the same –
1. Briefly press the small bead on the back of the pressure gauge into the centre of the valve stem on the tire and you would hear air escaping the tire.
2. Release air in smaller amount at a time and keep on checking with the gauge until you get appropriate pressure.
3. Repeat the process for all other tires if necessary .

Although you tires look fine,you should give them a check regularly or at least 2 times a week . You should also check them if you run over a sharp object or hit a curb suggests Car Talk .

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